Commencement Address by Roger Federer

roger federer

At Dartmouth College, the retired tennis champion offered his thoughts on winning and losing.

"In the 1,526 singles matches I played in my career, I won almost 80 percent of those matches," Federer said. "Now, I have a question for all of you. What percentage of the points do you think I won in those matches?"

The answer was 54 percent.

"In other words," he said, "even top-ranked tennis players win barely more than half of the points they play. When you lose every second point on average, you learn not to dwell on every shot."

He went on, "The truth is, whatever game you play in life, sometimes you’re going to lose. A point, a match, a season, a job….The best in the world are not the best because they win every point. It's because they know they'll lose again and again, and have learned how to deal with it."


MEMRLTA has a pool of emergency players for teams to call upon when short of players for a match. Please read the Policy for the MEMRLTA Emergency Pool below to understand how the pool works.

Apply to become a Pool Emergency

Check the availability of Pool Emergencies

Policy for the MEMRLTA Emergency Pool

Also see By-Law 8 regarding Pool Emergencies.

  1. To be an emergency pool player, you must be a financial member of a club affiliated with MEMRLTA or Tennis Victoria, OR pay MEMRLTA's pool emergency player registration fee of $15/season.
  2. Players may apply to be an emergency pool player by completing the application form on the website.
  3. Players will be graded (from section 1 to lowest section for each season) and will be eligible to play for that section or above.
  4. The graded emergency pool list (with contact telephone numbers) will be distributed to the club contacts after grading each season.
  5. The captain (or team representative) is to contact the emergency pool player directly, to determine availability. If a player agrees to play, the captain (or team representative) is to contact the record secretary responsible for the Emergency Pool administration (Pool Record Secretary). The Pool Record Secretary will then add the Pool Emergency's name to the team's Player List on the online scoring system and update the Pool Emergency's availability on the MEMRLTA website. The spread sheet showing the names and availabilities of the pool emergency players will be posted on the MEMRLTA website each Monday evening if not before.
  6. Players can play any number of matches during a season.
  7. There is no restriction to the number of times a player can play with a team or club.
  8. Emergency pool players must play at least 3 matches when a 10-team draw and 2 matches when an 8-team draw (with ANY team or section) during the season to play in any finals match. Emergency pool players graded section 1 are ineligible to play in any semi or grand final matches.
  9. A pool player cannot commit to a team then become unavailable in order to then play with another team.
  10. The grading committee can regrade (up or down) an emergency pool player at any time
  11. Players may not join the emergency pool during the season if they have already played with any team (as a member or emergency), unless permission is given by the grading committee.
  12. As with all emergencies, the emergency pool player should play at position 3 or 4. (This does not apply to Section 1 teams as Section 1 is deemed to be an open section.)
  13. On the score sheet a (PE) must follow their name and a note made in the 'Match Notes’ online.