Commencement Address by Roger Federer

roger federer

At Dartmouth College, the retired tennis champion offered his thoughts on winning and losing.

"In the 1,526 singles matches I played in my career, I won almost 80 percent of those matches," Federer said. "Now, I have a question for all of you. What percentage of the points do you think I won in those matches?"

The answer was 54 percent.

"In other words," he said, "even top-ranked tennis players win barely more than half of the points they play. When you lose every second point on average, you learn not to dwell on every shot."

He went on, "The truth is, whatever game you play in life, sometimes you’re going to lose. A point, a match, a season, a job….The best in the world are not the best because they win every point. It's because they know they'll lose again and again, and have learned how to deal with it."


By-Laws for the Conduct of Pennant Matches

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How our by-laws can be changed

Amendments to the MEMRLTA by-laws may be proposed by any Member Club (ie, a club financially affiliated with MEMRLTA) or the MEMRLTA Committee to be voted on at our AGM. Proposed amendments to our by-laws must be received by the MEMRLTA Secretary at least 28 days before the AGM. For voting purposes, each Member Club may be represented by two delegates each of whom shall be a financial member of the tennis club and each of whom will have a vote. Any proposed amendment to our by-laws requires at least a two-thirds majority of those voting to be passed. Our Rules of Association do not allow voting by proxy. Only those physically at the AGM who are eligible to vote may vote.

Note: Any text written inside square brackets [ ] is not part of the by-law but is there to help clarify the by-law.

All matches to be played under Tennis Victoria rules except where such rules are altered herein.

  1. The type, condition and surroundings of the courts of each competing club shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. All courts must be clearly lined.
  2. One court must be provided by the home team at the agreed starting time. Failure to do so will result in the home team forfeiting the first set 0-8. [This means one set is forfeited: the first set listed on the scoresheet which is the set with the number 1 and 2 players.] If captains agree, two courts may be used.
  3. If two courts are made available by the host club for the home and away matches, and during the finals series, both courts are to be used continuously, unless both captains mutually agree, prior to the commencement of the match to use courts separately.
  4. All clubs are required to provide courts for Final Series Matches if needed.
  5. Mobile telephones must be turned to silent or turned off while any matches are in progress. An infringement of this rule will incur a $10 fine.
  1. Four new first grade yellow tennis balls shall be provided by the home team.
  2. The Committee has the power to fix a make and colour of balls for Semi-final and Final matches, and the listed home team is required to provide four new balls of approved make.

Approved tennis garments, i.e. skirts, dresses, shorts, shirts and correct footwear must be worn. Track suits/compression garments may be worn under/over tennis clothing when warranted. Failure to wear correct tennis attire, a $10 fine will be issued.

  1. All clubs applying for entry must get approval of the Executive Committee.
  2. Players participating in matches must be financial members of clubs registering them.
  3. Prior to the commencement of each Pennant Season, each team entry must be accompanied by a graded list of players, on the prescribed form for registration for that season, together with previous seasons gradings recorded individually.
  4. The teams are to be divided into as many grades or sections as may be considered necessary, and the format of competition play be varied, by the Executive Committee.
  5. The Executive Committee shall have the right to grade team members, and no team member shall participate in matches in a grade, or section, lower than that approved by the Executive Committee.
  6. In the event of a team playing an ineligible player, that team, if it wins, shall forfeit the points for the match to the offended team. Games won and lost by the offending player shall not count in the team's total. Offended team shall be awarded all sets in which the offending player participated. (Eight games to nil).
  7. No player registered to play with a club shall be allowed to change to another club in the Association, during the course of the season, unless with the sanction of the Executive Committee. In the event of a player being nominated for registration by more than one club, the player concerned shall have the right to say which nomination shall stand. The Executive Committee shall have the right to reject any registration.
  8. Any player who within the past two years has played Tennis Victoria Pennant Grade 1 or equivalent standard will be only permitted to play Section 1. To be eligible for finals, the same player must play a minimum of five (5) matches during the current season.
  9. Players who have played the number of matches to qualify in a lower grade, shall be eligible for a higher grade. Once having played three (3) matches in a higher grade, the player may not return to the lower grade.
  10. In the event of a club being represented by more than one team in any one grade or section, no player having participated in three (3) matches in one team, shall be eligible to play thereafter in the other.
  11. No player shall play in more than one team on any one fixture day.
  12. Any permanent alteration to the original team graded in any grade or section, must have permission of the Executive Committee or Sub-Committee.
  13. In order to be eligible to play in Semi-final and Grand Final matches, where there is a 10-team draw, players must have played in three (3) matches during the current season. Where there is an 8-team draw, players must have played in two (2) matches during the current season.
  1. Where both teams infringe any By-Laws, the match may be cancelled by the Executive Committee.
  2. Outstanding fines will be doubled if not paid within two (2) months of date of infringement notice.
  1. Emergencies for the current season must be registered on the paper score sheet on the day of their first match and into the online scoring system. Details and Grade to be Registered MUST be completed.
    1. Any emergency registered MUST abide by the financial rules required by the club registering them.
    2. No emergency registered to play with a club shall be allowed to play for another club in the Association during the course of the season, unless with the sanction of the Executive Committee.
  2. The standard of all emergencies must be acceptable to the Executive Committee or Sub-Committee, as per MEMRLTA's 'Policy for Grading Emergencies'.
  3. The Executive Committee or Sub-committee shall have the right to grade or re-grade emergencies, and no emergency shall participate below her approved grading without prior permission of the Executive Committee or Sub-committee. Once having played three (3) matches in a higher grade, the emergency may not return to a lower grade.
  4. Any emergency (including any pool emergency) must play in position #3 or #4, or the lowest position available if more than 2 emergencies (including pool emergencies) are playing in the one match. This does not apply to Section 1 as it is deemed an open section. Violation of this by-law shall have the offending team, if it wins, forfeit the points for the match to the offended team. Games won by the offending player(s) shall not count in the team's total. The offended team shall be awarded all sets (eight games to nil) in which the offending player(s) participated.
  5. In order to be eligible to play in Semi-final and Grand Final matches, where there is a 10-team draw, emergencies must have played in three (3) matches during the current season. Where there is an 8-team draw, emergencies must have played in two (2) matches during the current season.
  1. A pool emergency player (hereafter referred to as pool emergency) must:
    1. be a financial member of a club affiliated with Tennis Victoria, or
    2. be a financial member of a Club that holds their own current public liability and personal injury insurance, or
    3. pay MEMRLTA's pool emergency player registration fee.
  2. Pool emergencies must be graded by the executive committee or sub-committee before they commence playing each season.
  3. The executive committee or sub-committee shall have the right to grade or re-grade pool emergencies, and no pool emergency shall participate below her approved grading without prior permission of the Executive Committee or Sub-committee. Pool emergencies may play in their grade or higher for the duration of the season.
  4. Any pool emergency and any other emergency must play in position #3 or #4, or the lowest position available if more than 2 emergencies (including other emergencies) are playing in the one match. This does not apply to Section 1 as it is deemed an open section. Violation of this by-law shall have the offending team, if it wins, forfeit the points for the match to the offended team. Games won by the offending player(s) shall not count in the team's total. The offended team shall be awarded all sets (eight games to nil) in which the offending player(s) participated.
  5. In order to be eligible to play in Semi-final and Grand Final matches, pool emergencies (graded section 2 and below), where there is a 10-team draw, must have played three (3) matches during the current season, or where there is an 8-team draw, must have played in two (2) matches during the current season. Pool emergencies graded as section 1 will not be eligible to play in any Semi-final or Grand Final matches.
    1. Matches shall commence at 10am, or at time mutually agreed upon. Agreed starting time cannot be altered after 10am of the day prior to match unless mutually convenient. If a team is not represented by a minimum of two players (i.e. any pair combination) and ready to play by 10am, or time mutually agreed upon, then the first set shall be forfeited by the offending team. [This last sentence means one set is forfeited: the first set listed on the scoresheet which is the set with the number 1 and 2 players.]
    2. If the match has commenced with any two players and a substitute is required to complete the team, that substitute must play in the listed position of the player they are replacing. The substitute must be in attendance within 45 minutes of the agreed starting tiem (as per By-law 9(b)).
  1. If a complete team is not in attendance at the courts listed for the match within 45 minutes of agreed starting time, the offending team shall be deemed as giving a forfeit. Penalty as per By-Law 11 (b).
  1. Each team shall consist of four (4) ladies.
  2. Prior to commencement of a match, the Home Captain will list her team members' order (1-4) on the score sheet. The Away Captain will then complete the score sheet with her team members' order. This classification must be adherred to throughout the match. Failure to adhere to such classification will result in a forfeit of incorrect sets.
  3. A match shall consist of six sets of Ladies' doubles in the following order: 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 1st and 3rd, 2nd and 4th, 1st and 4th, 2nd and 3rd. The order of sets may be varied by agreement between the two captains.
  4. Each team shall play two rounds of home and away matches unless otherwise specified by the Executive Committee, on Tuesday of each week.
    1. If a team withdraws after grading but before the draw is completed, the team entry fee shall be refunded.
    2. If a team withdraws after grading and the draw has been completed, the team entry fee shall NOT be refunded.
    3. If a team withdraws during the season, the team entry fee shall not be refunded and a $20 fine shall be imposed.
  1. A club unable to arrange a team for any match must notify the opposing captain or Club contact either before or on the day the match is scheduled to be played. The home team (whether they are giving the forfeit or receiving it) must enter the forfeit into the online scoring system by 8pm the Wednesday following the match. 
  2. The team not forfeiting will be awarded premiership points and no score (0-0). The team forfeiting will be awarded 0 premiership points and a score of 12-48 recorded against them. 
  3. In the event of a complete Association washout or heatout the team gaining a forfeit will receive one (1) point and no score. The forfeiting team will receive neither points nor score.
  1. Sets shall be eight (8) game sets with no advantage, except in Section 1 where sets shall be eight (8) game sets with a 12-point tie-break played at 7 games all.
  2. Matches shall be determined on games, but in the event of games being equal, then on sets, and two (2) points shall be awarded to the winning team in each match. One point shall be awarded to each team for a draw.
  3. Both teams to assist in preparation of courts between sets, and when courts need mopping all players are to assist.
    1. In the event of WET WEATHER, individual matches may be cancelled with or without teams attending courts, provided such cancellation is mutually acceptable to opposing team captains.
    2. In the case of teams NOT ATTENDING COURTS, confirmation of mutual agreement to such cancellation shall be submitted to the online scoring system by the home team.
    3. In the case of teams ATTENDING COURTS, teams shall wait one hour after agreed starting time before cancellation of match. The result shall be submitted to the online scoring system by the home team.
    4. Any match NOT COMMENCED within one hour of the agreed starting time due to wet weather shall be abandoned and each team shall receive one point.
    5. If play HAS COMMENCED and is interrupted by rain, match will be cancelled one hour after all play has ceased unless both captains agree to continue.
  4. No set shall be commenced after 2pm unless agreed to by both captains.
  5. If the temperature reaches 32°C at the appointed starting time or at any time thereafter, play may be stopped at the option of either captain (temperature to be confirmed by the Australian government’s Bureau of Meteorology official data, e.g. via their weather app, website or Melbourne Metropolitan Temperature and Weather Observation Service 1300 163 578). Any cancellation must not be arranged before the appointed starting time.
  6. In the event of matches being abandoned because of weather conditions, unless one team at the time play ceased had such a lead as would have entitled it to claim the match, the match shall be declared a draw and each team shall receive one point.
  7. All games played in a round of matches shall be counted when computing percentage.
    1. The result of each home and away match shall be recorded in detail by the home captain on the score sheet.
    2. It will be the responsibility of the home team to ensure the results are submitted via the online scoring system by 8pm the Wednesday following the match [but Semi-Final and Grand Final results must be submitted online by 8pm the day of the match as per by-law 16b]. It will be the responsibility of the visiting team to check the results entered and report to the Record Secretary any discrepancies by 8pm the Thursday following the match. 
    3. Failure to have results submitted by the designated time will mean a fine of $10.00 per match for a first offence during a season, $15 per match for the second offence during a season, and $20 per match for the third and each subsequent offence during a season. If results are not received within 24 hours of the designated time, the home team will be fined a further $10 and the results will be sought from the away team.
    4. Failure of either captain to correctly complete the paper score sheet will result in a fine of $10.00 to the offending team. Failure to enter the written information correctly and completely into the online scoring system will mean a fine of $10.00 to the home team.
  1. In the event of the points being equal at the end of the home and away matches, the team’s position will be determined by the percentage of games won and lost.
  2. In the event of a team withdrawing from the competition during the season, all premiership points and percentage scored in respect of the matches against that team shall be cancelled.
  1. If because of illness, accident or other emergency, a player cannot continue in a match, an emergency player may take her place and play shall resume where left off.
  2. A 10 minute injury time per player-per match is permitted in the case of illness, accident or other emergency.
  3. If an emergency player is not available immediately after such illness, accident or other emergency, the sets shall be continued in order of 10 (c), postponing those for which the emergency is awaited.
  4. A substitute should be at the court ready to play within one hour of cessation of play. A three (3) minute hit up is permissible.
  5. Any emergency player taking part in a match must in no way contravene any Section of By-Law 7.
  1. All disputes shall be made on the online scoring system.
  2. All protests need to be in written form to the Secretary of the Association, via the Club Contact and shall be dealt with by the Executive Committee, and its decision shall be final.
  1. Unless otherwise designated by the Executive Committee, at the end of home and away matches the four leading teams shall play in the following order:
    1st Semi-Final: 1st team versus 4th team
    2nd Semi-Final: 2nd team versus 3rd team
    The first team listed is regarded as the “home” team.
    Grand Final: Winner of 1st Semi-Final versus winner of 2nd Semi-Final.
  2. The result of last home and away, Semi-Final and Grand Final matches must be submitted by the home team via the online scoring system by 8pm the day of the match. Failure to have results submitted by the designated time will result in the offending team being fined as per By-Law 13.a.iii.
  3. Prior to the commencement of the match, captains will exchange lists of players in playing order.
  4. Semi and Grand Final matches to commence at 10.00 a.m. in the Winter and 9.30 a.m. in the Summer.
  5. In the event of postponement due to wet weather or heat during Finals series, play shall be continued from where left off at a time and venue mutually agreed to by both teams and shall be completed before the following Tuesday unless otherwise approved by the Executive Committee. A team unable to play on any day must forfeit. If players cannot mutually agree on a time to complete an unfinished Grand Final match, no pennants will be awarded.
  6. For postponed finals, eligible emergencies may take the court from where play ceased.
  7. Where teams elect to play at an alternative venue any costs incurred must be met by the teams concerned. 
  8. In the event of drawn Semi-Final and Grand Final matches, the players in the last set to finish, shall then play a twelve (12) point tie break to decide the winners.
  9. The Executive Committee reserves the right if necessary to cancel finals.
  1. Pennants will be presented to the premiers and runners-up in each section, for both Winter and Summer Competition.
  2. A Perpetual Trophy will be presented to the winner of Section 1 for both Winter and Summer Competitions. These perpetual trophies will remain the property of the Association, but may be held by the winning club for twelve (12) months.
  3. A perpetual trophy to be known as “The Anne Hubbard Trophy” will be presented annually after the Summer Season to the club whose teams have achieved the best all round performance. To be eligible, a club must enter a minimum of two teams per season. This trophy will be held by the winning club for the following 12 months.

MEMRLTA Rules of Association

MEMRLTA is registered with Consumer Affairs Victoria as an incorporated association (organisation number A0027928A) under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981. As an incorporated association, MEMRLTA is required to have:

These can be found in the document:
MEMRLTA Inc. Rules of Association (November 2021) (pdf)