These instructions are for a COMPLETE FORFEIT, that is, when no games have been completed. If some games have been completed, see our instructions on how to enter incomplete sets.

Login to Match Centre by going to:

On your Dashboard, scroll down the page to the section titled 'Your Previous Match' and click on 'VIEW'.

Click on the 'Edit' button.

Step 1—Do Not Select Any Players!

Click the 'CONTINUE WITHOUT PREFILL' button at the bottom of the page.

continue without selecting players

Step 2—Do Not Enter Any Scores!

The system will automatically assign 48 games to the team receiving the forfeit and 0 to the team giving the forfeit. The Record Secretary will manually adjust the score for the team giving the forfeit from 0 to 24 games as per By-law 11b.

Instead of entering scores, click 'Mark not played / incomplete'.

mark as not played or incomplete

In the pop-up window, select the appropriate choice and click the 'SELECT' button to save your choice.

choose reason for match not played

It won't look as if anything has changed, but scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see a note saying that the 'match will be cancelled with the following reason…".


Step 3—Add Comments

Add any relevant notes regarding the forfeit in the Match Comment box. Then click the 'Save scorecard' button.

add match comments

You will then see that the match marked as a forfeit and its status will now be listed as "unconfirmed". This is correct. See below for an explanation of match status.

If you wish to make any changes, click on the 'Edit' button.

Example of a match forfeited by the away team:



Match Status

Before match results are entered, the match will be shown as 'SCHEDULED'.

Once the results have been submitted, the results will be shown as 'UNCONFIRMED'.

When results have been confirmed by the opposing, the results will be shown as 'UNOFFICIAL'.

Then when the Record Secretary has reviewed and accepted the results, the match results will be shown as 'OFFICIAL'.